
Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your subscription, or simply pause it for a few months and restart where you left off at any time!

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How Do I Change Notification Preferences

Go to “Data” at the top, then click “See Here” under Notifications (or go to

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How Do I Receive Invoices?

How to obtain invoices:

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How Do I Extend The Time/Duration of Appointment on Calendar?

150 min is a max default appointment length but you can drag appointment on the calendar view and make it longer by moving and dragging it with your curser.

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How Does My Client Opt Out or Opt Back In to SMS Messages

If your client has opted out by accident and wishes to continue to receive text messages from your business, all they have to do is type START, YES or UNSTOP in the message and they will be back in the system to get your messages.

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How to Upload Customers Via a CSV (Comma Separated Value) Excel Sheet

Go to the Data Tab. 

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Refund Policy

We’ll happily refund any payment you make within 30 days of you making it, and you can cancel your use of the service at any time.

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Can I Use Appointment Reminder In Conjunction With My Calendar or Other Software?

Yes you can use Appointment Reminder in conjunction with any calendar or system. Our software is created to compliment any existing programs, however we are currently working on integration with other software and calendars.

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What if I Only Need Text Messages?

You can use just text messaging for your clients if preferred. You can also use just phone recordings or emails.

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What is a Schedule?

A schedule represents each manager, doctor etc who is making appointments.

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What is Appointment Reminder?

Appointment Reminder is an online service, hosted in a way that is similar to Gmail or Facebook. It can be accessed by any computer with an Internet connection which is capable of using modern web applications, like Gmail or Facebook. You can either put in the client information and appointments into our online interface or upload a CSV/Excel file with them into the online interface.

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